Search Results - Animal+Health

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Rapid Diagnostic Test for Superficial Fungal Infection
Rapid Diagnostic Test for Superficial Fungal InfectionsA group of CSU researchers has developed a rapid and sensitive tool for detecting fungal infections in both people and animals. At a Glance• This novel diagnostic tool uses sulphite production from fungi to detect low levels of active infections such as ringworm and athlete’s...
Published: 5/30/2019   |   Inventor(s): Susan VandeWoude, Alexandra Moskaluk, Mary Nehring, Benjamin Shupe
Category(s): Animal Health
Detecting and Monitoring Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Dogs (Stool-Immune Test)
The Stool-Immune diagnostic test diagnoses inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in dogs using stool specimens. The accuracy and sensitivity of Stool-Immune test is superior to any diagnostic currently on the market, and can be run using fresh or frozen stool specimens. Use of this test can avoid endoscopic biopsy for an IBD diagnosis, and could also be...
Published: 4/4/2019   |   Inventor(s): Steven Dow, Sirikul Soontararak
Category(s): Animal Health
ECG Boots
ECG monitoring device for dogs during and after surgeryInventor: Natalie MalkutAt a Glance• Brady Boots™ provide a reusable way of monitoring the electrocardiogram (ECG) of dogs while also helping them maintain body temperature during surgery.• Current methods of ECG monitoring are unconventional, can cause bruising or hurt...
Published: 4/4/2019   |   Inventor(s): Natalie Malkut
Category(s): Animal Health, Electronic Devices & Instrumentation
New method to drastically reduce the sodium content and improve the processing efficiencies of meat and poultry
Inventors at Colorado State University have developed a composite meat product where the desired end product contains a reduction of sodium, labor, and equipment to make a low sodium ham and deli loaves. This also applies to poultry and fish products. The process benefits the processor in time, labor and equipment. Unlike traditional manufacturing...
Published: 4/4/2019   |   Inventor(s): Dale Woerner, Keith Belk, Gary Sisney, Daniel Sewald
Category(s): Agriculture, Animal Health, Other Innovations
DNA Marker for Pulmonary Hypertension
This genetic test identifies cattle at high risk of developing pulmonary hypertension at high altitudes (often called “brisket disease”). Brisket disease afflicts about 5% of cattle at high altitudes and the current predictive test for at-risk cattle is a measure of pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP). This current PAP test has some major...
Published: 4/4/2019   |   Inventor(s): Timothy Holt, John Newman
Category(s): Animal Health
An Immunosignature Based Test for the Diagnosis and Characterization of Canine Lymphoma
DescriptionLymphoma is one of the most common spontaneously occurring neoplasms seen in canines. If diagnosed early, effective treatments can be administered and survival rates improved. Unfortunately, there are no non-invasive tests for lymphoma in dogs or in humans. Diagnosis is typically made by looking for clinical signs, performing a physical examination...
Published: 4/4/2019   |   Inventor(s): Douglas Thamm, Joseph Legutki, Stephen Johnston
Category(s): Animal Health