Search Results - Agriculture

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Equilibrium Moisure from Topography, Vegetation, and Soil (EMT + VS)
In a NutshellResearchers in Colorado State University's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering have developed a new method to increase resolution of soil moisture maps by incorporating fine-resolution information on topography, vegetation, and soil. Estimated soil moisture patterns are becoming more readily available at coarse (9 km - 50...
Published: 4/4/2019   |   Inventor(s): Jeffrey Niemann
Category(s): Agriculture
Diagnosing Amaranthus species in seed mixture using KASP
Several Amaranthus species are very common and are not prohibited noxious weeds (e.g., redroot pigweed, smooth pigweed), and seeds of the various Amaranthus species (Table 1) cannot be reliably visually identified. This invention describes a DNA genotyping method to detect either Palmer amaranth or wathermp in a mixture of bulked Amaranthus seeds.Investigators...
Published: 11/8/2018   |   Inventor(s): Todd Gaines, Eric Patterson
Category(s): Agriculture
New method to drastically reduce the sodium content and improve the processing efficiencies of meat and poultry
Inventors at Colorado State University have developed a composite meat product where the desired end product contains a reduction of sodium, labor, and equipment to make a low sodium ham and deli loaves. This also applies to poultry and fish products. The process benefits the processor in time, labor and equipment. Unlike traditional manufacturing...
Published: 4/4/2019   |   Inventor(s): Dale Woerner, Keith Belk, Gary Sisney, Daniel Sewald
Category(s): Agriculture, Animal Health, Other Innovations
Electrochemical removal of nutrients from agricultural waste
Heavy metal contamination is a major threat to the environment. One of these heavy metals is copper (Cu), which is used widely as an effective disinfectant in footbaths for dairy cows. Copper Sulfate (Cu S04) is used three times a day in dairy farm footbaths, and then released into the premise lagoon. Copper can accumulate in soil and plants in the...
Published: 4/4/2019   |   Inventor(s): Sam Jalali, Terry Engle
Category(s): Agriculture, Chemicals & Materials
Rice AP2 transcription factor overexpression increases biomass accumulation and grain yield, while also exhibiting tolerance to abiotic stress
Rice Transcription Factor Overexpression Increases Biomass Accumulation and Grain Yield while Simultaneously Enhancing Tolerance to StressesMichael M. Friedman, Bettina E. Broeckling, Amanda K. Broz, Daniel R. Bush Department of Biology,...
Published: 5/30/2019   |   Inventor(s): Daniel Bush, Amanda Broz, Bettina Broeckling, Michael Friedman
Category(s): Agriculture